Project nine


This was a second year project based on a British theme for a niche guide. I decided to relate mine to tea, us British loves a good cup of tea. But sometimes we often don’t know how to make the perfect tea. Milk first? water first? Or is it the tea bag first. The idea was to create packaging relating to making the perfect tea. I first started by drawing initial idea of tea, cups, spoons and also swirls. The swirls represents the tea and milk combined, creating a swirl like effect. After the initial ideas, I then began to start mocking up the ideas by using typography and imagery. To which then led me to prototype the concepts, bringing the idea to life. I wanted the design to be minimal but effective.

Artboard 1.jpg
Artboard 2.jpg
Artboard 7.jpg
Artboard 9.jpg
Artboard 10.jpg
Artboard 11.jpg
Artboard 12.jpg
Artboard 13.jpg
Artboard 14.jpg
Artboard 15.jpg
Artboard 16.jpg
Artboard 17.jpg

Project Eight


Project Ten